Hello! And thank you for joining our Escape 2020 adventure!
We’re really excited that you have joined the mass breakout. The 2020 Transition Team has created a special obstacle course for you that will test your wits, your skills, your ingenuity and probably...your patience.
But didn’t 2020 do the same? 
We at the Transition Team are going to take you month by month through all those weird things we did in 2020. Once you’re done with our challenges you can let go of the ‘new normal’ and waltz into 2021 feeling light as air. Or at least feeling mightily relieved that you will not have to do any more challenges.
How does it work?
We release a new challenge by email each day between the 20th and the 31st of December. After each challenge you will have a word. You need to make a note of that word and which challenge it relates to.
You will need all the words for the very last challenge. Only then will the Transition Team wave you across the border as you leave 2020 behind!
A few sources of help along the way:

You will be able to check that your word of the day is correct using this link:

Some challenges will be really simple, some will be really complicated, but if you are stuck you can get some clues to nudge you in the right direction. If you are still stuck after viewing the clues, you can send us an email at storycircles.uk@gmail.com
We’re looking forward to sending you the first challenge! The escape starts here!

Richard & Marion from Story Circles
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Story Circles 50 Ashburton Road London CR0 6AN

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