May - Have a virtual party with your friends

Ah zoom parties. Online DJs all night long. Don’t even have to leave your house. The best of all possible worlds.

Except of course until the wifi crashes…

Imagine you are confronted with the eternal question – what is your wifi password? That’s easy because it’s on that little bit of plastic slipped into the slot on the’s nothing there...

It’s all right, it’s all left a note on your computer. And made it obscure so no one else could possibly know. Not even you….

The Transition Team is at your side every step of this nightmare. It’s time to get medieval. Connect your computer to the router with the right cable. Seriously, it’s time to use a cable. Then enter the wifi password. Your fellow clubbers will not even imagine the troubles you had. And the Transition Team will nod with admiration in your direction.


Click on the image to overcome the wifi challenge

Are you stuck on this challenge? Find some clues and check your answer here:
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